




Friday, 6 December 2019

Things to do in Grand Cayman - Stingray Sandbar / Stingray City

I thought I would start a series on my blog called things to do in the Cayman Islands. Seeing as I have lived here for 4 years now (seriously I cannot believe it has been that long now) I have a great inside knowledge of all the do's and don't's here. What better way to start this series off then one of my ALL TIME FAVOURITE PLACES the Stingray Sandbar. 

This has got to be the number one attraction here in Grand Cayman (not to be confused with Stingray City which is 10 feet deep and more popular for Scuba Divers). Depending on the time of year/ the amount of cruise ships in that day will totally change the experience you are going to have. On average in high season (Christmas and spring break are of course the busiest times of year) can have on average 3-7 cruise ships in and 2000 people at the sandbar throughout the day. THIS IS A LOT OF PEOPLE so bare that in mind if you are looking at visiting. There are of course ways you can avoid the crowds. My absolute favourite time to go is early in the morning. Red Sail Sports offer a 7:30 breakfast trip which in my opinion is the best trip! You leave the dock nice and early so beat the crowds out there. 

There's also absolutely incredible professional photographers on the boats so you don't need to worry about ruining your phone in the salt water (salt water corrodes EVERYTHING!) and they know the best lighting/ angles to get you that perfect shot... and if you are really lucky you might even get me as said photographer ;) 

The best part about the sandbar is these animals are completely wild. They come and go as they please and I can honestly say they are such strong creatures that if they do not want to be held or near people then there is NO way you can try.

There are hundreds of companies that visit the Stingrays but I would 100% do your research! Not all companies treat the animals with respect and honestly that should be your number one concern when visiting places like this. At the end of the day we are visiting them in their home so we need to be respectful of them. If you ever see a tour operator lifting the Stingray out of the water so you can see their mouths THIS IS ANIMAL CRUELTY! They are fish so need to be underwater so by lifting them even for a second this is suffocating them. Not everyone does this but just be aware it does happen so please do your research! 

Have you visited been to Grand Cayman before and seen the Stingrays? Is this something you would ever do? Let me know! 


Photos taken at work for Caribbean Producer Services 

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