




Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Wednesday Wish List #2

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. A blazer and leather combined? Perfection. 
2. You can never have too many sunglasses. I need these in my collection.
3. Anyone that knows me knows that I am a massive lover of playsuits and they are always my go to on a night out. 
4. It's a lipstick and it's pink. I don't need to say anymore.
5. I LOVE John Lennon so these glasses are perfect and super cheap from my beloved ebay.
6. Perfect for summer with some high waisted shorts.

Alice xo

Thursday, 7 February 2013

I'm coming up on infrared, forget your running, I will find you

It has only been in the past year that I have really got into lipstick. I always thought it would make me look to 'dressy' or I would have it smudged on my teeth after an hour. Oh how wrong I was. It can totally change an outfit and transform your make up and now I wont leave the house without it.

My latest obsession is with Topshop Infrared. It's not one for the faint hearted but my how I love it. It is a bright orange red. It glides on smoothly and feels moisturising on the lips. It lasts an incredibly long time without fading and I strongly recommend it. 

Alice xo

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Wednesday Wish List #1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. My favourite colour right now and I think this will be a nice change from my usual skater style skirts. I'm also really into a longer length right now and seem to have a phobia of anything short. 
2. A beautiful bright pink lipstick that would brighten up any outfit.
3. My love for collars is still going strong and this dress would be a perfect addition to my wardrobe.
4. Topshop lipsticks are such good quality and this pink beauty is right up my street.
5. I'm really into pale nail varnishes right now and think this pastel will look so beautiful on any skin tone.
6. One day this Mulberry will be mine. 

Alice xo

Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Hi I'm Alice a third year film student with too many clothes and rings.


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