




Thursday, 24 May 2018

Sun and Moon dress - Motel Rocks

Welcome back lovely people! I am back after taking an unplanned social media break and I cannot begin to explain how cleansed I feel. My workload has been so busy recently and I've loved every second of it. Taking photos is my favourite thing to do so to get paid to do it I honestly feel like I need to pinch myself everyday. If you want to know more about my job I've written a little piece before showing you some of my underwater photography so please take a look if you haven't seen it yet. 

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Caribbean Dreaming

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year!

Living abroad away from family over the Holidays can be a little bit difficult but when you surround yourself with your closest friends like I was lucky enough to do it makes everything better. I am extremly lucky to have found such incredible friends over here that I do think of them as family. My Cayman family! 
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