




Saturday, 26 July 2014

Liebster Award

First off thank you to the lovely Valerie for nominating me! At first I was extremely confused when I saw I had been nominated for a Liebster award but now I understand what it is I think it's a great way to discover new bloggers (just like me)... It's just a bit of fun ladies so if I nominate you I look forward to reading your answers.

Following the protocol the rules are as followed:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, and link back to them.
2. Answer the questions they sent you.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers to answer your own set of questions.
4. Notify these 11 bloggers you nominated them.


1. Favourite colour? Be really specific? Is it wrong to say black? As long as I've always remembered I loved black... if I'm not allowed black as a colour I'll go with purple.
2. Why did you get into blogging? I've been ready blogs for over 4 years and suddenly decided one day that I wanted to be a part of this community. I love reading other blogs and I love writing about beauty and fashion.
3. What is your spirit animal? A wolf! I am obsessed with wolves! (I will own a husky one day to satisfy my obsession)
4. What is always in your bag, no matter what? Probably about 7 lipsticks. I always seem to have at least 5 shades of red lipsticks in my bag... Really not sure what's wrong with me.
5. What is the essential item in your wardrobe? Without a doubt black skinny jeans. They are always my go to item. 
6. Favourite TV show? Picking one would be impossible but my top four are Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Gossip Girl and The OC.
7. If you could work for any company in the world, where would you work and why? Any film company would be perfect please. It's my dream to be an Art Director in the film industry! 
8. What's a book you can always re-read? Any of the Harry Potter books!
9. One of your fondest childhood memories? Probably going to Disney World with my Dad and step family. I have such an amazing time with them all.
10. What food can you always eat? Cheese! If I could live on cheese for the rest of my life I would be extremely happy!

Adventures of Wonderland
An Impatient Scottish Girl
My Red Clover
Laura London Blog
Kirsten Gillies
My Beauty Addiction
Casey Ferguson
Cera K
Magpie Jasmin

Questions for nominees
1. What is your dream job? 
2. What is the one lipstick you could not live without?
3. If you could live in one country in the world where would you live?
4. Why did you start blogging?
5. What is your beauty bad habit?
6. What is the one make up brand you could not live without?
7. What is your favourite film?
8. Favourite band?
9. Do you have any tattoos?
10. Favourite item in your wardrobe?

Also a quick shout out to the lovely Fran who nominated me as well. As I've already done this one everyone go check out her blog!

Alice xo

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