




Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Band Tees and Dungarees

Living in a hot country was definitely a little hard to get used to when it came to fashion as I'm more or a layers kind of girl. Don't get me wrong I hate the cold weather but I love dressing for it. But since moving here a denim and tee combo is honestly my go to look and now I am all about that laid back casual vibe.

Some people might think dungarees are so over done from a few years ago but I just love them. There's something so nice and nostalgic about them and they are just so comfy... 

A massive staple in my wardrobe is band tees. At school I was always the grunger or emo or whatever people would call me.. Funny how fashion has changed and they are listening to the same music and wearing the same style clothes they would once laugh at me for wearing.. But oh well I'm just happy people are starting to appreciate good music and would never tell anyone what they can or cannot wear. Plus it is so much easier buying nice tees on the high street now so I am welcome to them staying in fashion forevz please! 

Iron Maiden Tee - Ebay
Dungarees - Missguided
Sunglasses - Ray Ban
Bikini - ASOS

Alice xo

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  1. Looking like such a tropical badass babe, I'm loving your dreamy dungarees and tee plus you're all the babin' in that pink bandana gorgeous girl! Can definitely see the weather dressing transition must have been tricky at first seeing as you love layers but you're nailing it you total summer stunner <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  2. OMG I never related to a blog post this much! High five for all those kids like me and you who used to be made fun of just for their amazing band t collection and their eclectic music taste, showed from a young age!

    1. AMEN TO THAT! We're winning at life now haha! x


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